October 16, 2024

Mae Mrs. Trefnus wedi glanio ei llong ofod ar wyneb y blaned Mawrth. Hwrê.

Ble mae’r Mawrthiaid?

O, dyma nhw. Mae cannoedd ohonyn nhw. Maen nhw’n wyrdd, ac maen nhw’n edrych yn grac iawn. Hyd yn oed yn waeth na hynny, maen nhw’n siarad Saesneg.

O diar.

Beth yw’r sŵn ‘na?

Dyna long ofod Natalie Darllen yn crasho ar wyneb y blaned Mawrth.

Yn syth bin, mae hi’n cynnig trefnu clwb darllen i’r Mawrthiaid.

Mae Mrs. Trefnus a’r cathod yn rhedeg i ffwrdd.

“Dyna long ofod Natalie Darllen yn crasho ar wyneb y blaned Mawrth.”

Saesneg / English


Mrs. Trefnus has landed her spaceship on the surface of Mars. Hooray.

Where are the Martians?

Oh, here they are. There are hundreds of them. They are green, and they look very angry. Even worse than that, they speak English.

Oh dear.

What’s that noise?

That’s Natalie Darllen’s spaceship crashing on the surface of Mars.

Immediately, she offers to organise a reading club for the Martians.

Mrs. Trefnus and the cats run away.

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