Pwy yw hon?
Mae menyw arall wedi dod i’r ganolfan grefft. Mae ganddi fag o lyfrau ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg. Natalie Darllen yw hi. Mae hi eisiau i bawb ddarllen yn y Gymraeg.
Mae hi’n annifyr dros ben.
Oes ganddi lyfr am fynd i’r gofod?
Nac oes.
Oes ganddi lyfrau am gathod sy’n cael anturiaethau od?
Nac oes.
Mae ei llyfrau i gyd yn gall iawn.
Mae hi’n annifyr dros ben.

Saesneg / English
Natalie Darllen
Who is this?
Another woman has come to the craft centre. She has a bag of books for Welsh learners. She is Natalie Darllen. She wants everyone to read in Welsh.
She is extremely annoying.
Does she have a book about going into space?
No she doesn’t.
Does she have books about cats having odd adventures?
No she doesn’t.
All her books are very sensible.
She is extremely annoying.