October 16, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi ymuno â thaith Y Pandas Pinc. Mae hi wedi gyrru hen fan ei chwaer ac ymuno â’r holl griw mewn gwasanaethau tu allan i Basingstoke.

Erbyn hyn, mae Santes Dwynwen yn gwneud ei hun yn sâl drwy boeni ydy Robat Smith yn ei charu hi neu beidio.

Yr ateb yw: nac ydy.

Ond ar gefn tractor Waldo Williams, mae Santes Dwynwen yn dal i fod yn obeithiol.

Mae gan Jeff y gath datrysiad i’r broblem.

Mae rhywun arall gyda hi yn hen fan Daf, sef… Mrs. Robat Smith. Dyna’r iachâd go iawn.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn crasho tractor Waldo a gadael y daith.

“Mae Santes Dwynwen yn crasho tractor Waldo a gadael y daith.”

Saesneg / English

The cure

Jeff the cat has joined the Pink Pandas’ tour. She has driven her sister’s old van and joined the whole crew in some services outside Basingstoke.

By now, Santes Dwynwen is making herself ill by worrying whether Robert Smith loves her or not.

The answer is: he does not.

But on the back of Waldo Williams’ tractor, Santes Dwynwen is still hopeful.

Jeff the cat has a solution to the problem.

Someone else is with her in Dave’s old van, namely… Mrs. Robert Smith. That is the real cure.

Santes Dwynwen crashes Waldo’s tractor and leaves the tour.

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