October 5, 2024

Dydd Gwener yw e heddiw, felly mae Robat Smith mewn cariad.

Ond gŵr priod hapus yw Robat Smith, on’d yw e?

Ydy. Ond mae e hefyd wedi cwympo mewn cariad â’i hoff anifail, sef Daf y gath.

Wel, mae hynny’n iawn, ‘te.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn gweld cyfle i gymryd mantais ar deimladau Robat Smith a gollwng y Pandas Pinc er mwyn iddi ddod hyd yn oed yn fwy llwyddiannus.

— Ma dymuniad ‘da fi, medd Daf wrth Robat Smith. — Dwisie gweitho fel rheolydd The Cure.

— OND CATH WYT TI, medd Robat Smith, mewn priflythrennau. — ENIWÊ, FI YW RHEOLYDD THE CURE.

— Pwy sy’n rheoli The Cure tra bo ti’n cael hwyl a chanu gyda’r Pandas Pinc, ‘te?

Doedd Robat Smith ddim wedi ystyried hynny.


“Dydd Gwener yw e heddiw, felly mae Robat Smith mewn cariad.”

Saesneg / English


Today is Friday, so Robert Smith is in love.

But Robert Smith is a happily married man, isn’t he?

Yes. But he has also fallen in love with his favourite animal, Dave the cat.

Well, that’s OK then.

But Dave the cat sees an opportunity to take advantage of Robert Smith’s feelings and drop the Pink Pandas so that she can become even more successful.

— I have a wish, says Dave to Robert Smith. – I want to work as the manager of The Cure.

— BUT YOU’RE A CAT, says Robert Smith, in capital letters. — ANYWAY, I AM THE MANAGER OF THE CURE.

— Who’s managing The Cure while you’re having fun and singing with the Pink Pandas, ‘te?

Robert Smith hadn’t considered that.


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