Mae Jeff y gath yn cysgu ar ei flanced. Dyw hi ddim yn poeni am ddim byd.
Ble mae Daf y gath?
Pwy a ŵyr? Efallai ei bod hi’n dal i fod yn y Trydydd Crymych y tu ôl i’r mynydd. Efallai ddim.
Dyw Jeff ddim wedi clywed gan Daf byth ers iddi dderbyn y cerdyn post guddiodd hi o dan ei blwch cardbord.
Dylwn ni boeni am Daf a Dewi Sant?
Dylwn, siŵr o fod.
Ond mae Jeff yn hapus iawn. Mae hi’n parhau i chwyrnu.

Saesneg / English
Jeff the cat is sleeping on her blanket. She is not worrying about anything.
Where is Dave the cat?
Who knows? Perhaps she is still in the Third Crymych behind the mountain. Perhaps not.
Jeff hasn’t heard from Dave ever since she received the postcard she hid under her cardboard box.
Should we worry about Dave and Saint David?
We probably should.
But Jeff is very happy. She carries on snoring.