Tra bod Dewi Sant a Daf y gath yn y Trydydd Crymych y tu ôl i’r mynydd, mae Jeff y gath wedi bod yn cael amser neis yn y blwch cardbord y tu ôl i’r soffa.

Ble mae’r soffa? Yn nerbynfa’r gwesty yw’r soffa.

Mae pethau mor dawel heb Daf. Does dim ffraeo o gwbwl. Mae Jeff yn mwynhau cael ei hanwesu gan y gwesteion, a does dim angen iddi hi boeni am genfigen Daf. Mae hi’n gallu gorwedd ar wal yr ardd heb gael ei grafu gan ei chwaer, hyd yn oed.

Heddiw, mae cerdyn post wedi cyrraedd. Mae’r cerdyn post yn aflêr. Mae ei neges yn dweud rhywbeth am y Trydydd Crymych y tu ôl i’r mynydd, a gofyn am help.

Mae Jeff yn cuddio’r cerdyn post o dan y blwch cardbord a pharhau i fwynhau sylw’r gwesteion.

“Mae hi’n gallu gorwedd ar wal yr ardd heb gael ei grafu gan ei chwaer, hyd yn oed.”

Saesneg / English

A nice time

While Saint David and Dave the cat are in the Third Crymych behind the mountain, Jeff the cat has been having a nice time in the cardboard box behind the sofa.

Where is the sofa? The sofa is in the hotel’s reception.

Things are so quiet without Dave. There is no squabbling at all. Jeff enjoys being petted by the guests, and she doesn’t need to worry about Dave’s jealousy. She can even lie on the garden wall without being scratched by her sister.

Today, a postcard has arrived. The postcard is tatty. Its message says something about the Third Crymych behind the mountain, and asks for help.

Jeff hides the postcard under the cardboard box and continues to enjoy the attention of the guests.

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