December 3, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant a Daf y gath ar eu gwyliau. Maen nhw wedi cyrraedd y Trydydd Crymych y tu ôl i’r mynydd, lle mae’r Mistar Urdd Arall yn rhedeg Urdd Anobaith Cymru.

Does dim Dreamies yn y Trydydd Crymych. Does dim hwyl o gwbl.

Mae Daf y gath yn hiraethu am ei chwaer Jeff, hyd yn oed.

– Does dim dianc, meddai’r Mistar Urdd arall yn fygythiol.

Wedi dysgu treigladau i’r cerrig di-wyneb sydd ym mhobman, mae’r tiwtoriaid Cymraeg yn dechrau ymosod arnyn nhw â morthwylion a’u malu’n deilchion.

Mae’r olygfa fel diwedd cyngerdd The Who, ond heb gymaint o egni.

– Beth sy’n digwydd? meddai Dewi Sant i’r Mistar Urdd Arall.

– Cosb yw hon, meddai’r Mistar Urdd Arall, â llais llai bygythiol. – Cosb ar ffurff llafur gorfod. Mae rhaid i’ nhw sylweddoli bod gorfodi dechreuwyr i ganolbwyntio ar dreigladau’n hollol ddibwrpas. Siarad sy’n bwysig.

– Fi’n gamdreiglo* trw’r amser, meddai Daf y gath.

– Da iawn ti, meddai’r Mistar Urdd Arall. – Dyma gwpl o Dreamies i ti.

(* – mae’r treiglad hwn yn anghywir yn fwriadol)

“Does dim dianc,” meddai’r Mistar Urdd arall yn fygythiol.

Saesneg / English

Forced labour

Saint David and Dave the cat are on their holidays. They have reached the Third Crymych behind the mountain, where the Other Mistar Urdd runs the Urdd Anobaith Cymru.

There are no Dreamies in the Third Crymych. There is no fun at all.

Dave the cat even misses her sister Jeff.

– There is no escape, says the other Mistar Urdd threateningly.

Having taught mutations to the faceless stones that are everywhere, the Welsh tutors begin to attack them with hammers and smash them into pieces.

The scene is like the end of a concert by The Who, but without as much energy.

– What’s happening? says Saint David to the Other Mistar Urdd.

    – This is a punishment, says the Other Mistar Urdd, in a less threatening voice. – Punishment in the form of forced labour. They have to realise that forcing beginners to focus on mutations is completely pointless. Speaking is what’s important.

    – I get mutations wrong* all the time, says Dave the cat.

    – Well done, says the Other Mistar Urdd. – Here’s a couple of Dreamies for you.

    (* – this mutation is intentionally incorrect)

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