Mae Dewi Sant a Daf y gath ar eu gwyliau yng Nghrymych. Nid y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel, ond y Crymych go iawn.
Hyd yn hyn, maen nhw wedi ymweld â’r garej sawl gwaith. Does dim llawer o adloniant yng Nghrymych. Neu felly feddyliai Dewi Sant.
Ond nawr, mae Dewi Sant wedi darganfod y siop cebábs.
Dyw e ddim yn licio bwyta cebábs, ond tamaid bach o adloniant ychwanegol fydd e.
Felly mae Dewi a Daf wedi hala diwrnod cyfan wrth ymweld â’r garej a phrynu cebábs bob yn ail.
Erbyn amser swper maen nhw wedi cael chwe cebáb yr un.
Mae rhywbeth yn dechrau digwydd. Naill ai profiad seicedelig yw e, neu wenwyn colesterol.

Saesneg / Englisb
Kebab shop
Saint David and Dave the cat are on holiday in Crymych. Not the Other Crymych beyond the horizon, but the real Crymych.
So far, they have visited the garage several times. There is not much entertainment in Crymych. Or so Saint David thought.
But now, Saint David has discovered the kebab shop.
He doesn’t like eating kebabs, but it will be a little bit of extra entertainment.
So Saint David and Dave have spent a whole day alternately visiting the garage and buying kebabs.
By dinner time they have had six kebabs each.
Something is starting to happen. Either it’s a psychedelic experience, or cholesterol poisoning.