Mae Daf y gath wedi rhoi ei chalendr Adfent hi yn y bin, rhag ofn i lun o’r noethlymun Esgob ymddangos o’r tu ôl i ddrws arall.
Am ryddhad!
Arhoswch am funud.
Pwy sydd yn y bin?
Dyma’r enwog Julian Cope, sydd yn ymguddio rhag Santes Dwynwen.
Pam fod Julian Cope yn ymguddio?
Mae e wedi ypsétio Santes Dwynwen trwy fwyta’r mins peis i gyd.

Saesneg / English
Dave the cat has put her Advent calendar in the bin, in case a picture of the naked Bishop appears from behind another door.
What a relief!
Wait a minute.
Who is in the bin?
It’s the famous Julian Cope, who is hiding from Santes Dwynwen.
Why is Julian Cope hiding?
He has upset Saint Dwynwen by eating all the mince pies.