Mae’r holl lyfrau yn siop lyfrau Dewi Sant wedi dechrau crebachu.

Beth sydd wedi digwydd?

Mae’r llafariaid wedi diflannu!

Ydy Jeff y gath wedi bod yn eu hela nhw?

Nac ydy.

Ydy Daf y gath wedi mynd â nhw ar drip seicedelig ar y catnip?

Nac ydy.

Mae’n waeth byth. Mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr wedi bod yn bwyta’r llafariaid i gyd. Gan fod sut gymaint o lafariaid yn y Gymraeg, mae e’n llawn o wynt. Er hynny, mae twristiaid Seisnig yn dal i feddwl bod ei rhechod yn anynghanadwy.

Saesneg / English


All the books in Dewi Sant’s bookshop have started to shrink.

What has happened?

The vowels have disappeared!

Has Jeff the cat been hunting them?


Has Dave the cat taken them on a psychedelic trip on the catnip?


It’s even worse. The famous Owain Glyndŵr has been eating all the vowels. Since there are so many vowels in Welsh, he is full of wind. However, English tourists still think his farts are unpronounceable.

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