October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn agor ei siop lyfrau a gweld blwch dirgel ar y palmant y tu allan iddi.

– Beth yw hwn? meddylia.

Mae e’n mynd â’r blwch i mewn i’r siop, a’i agor.

Am arswyd!

Blwch o glustiau yw e! Mae’n amhosib dweud p’un ai clustiau dynol ydyn nhw, neu rywbeth arall, gan eu bod nhw’n edrych fel lledr wedi iddyn nhw gael eu sychu’n llwyr.

Mae Daf y gath yn dwyn un o’r clustiau a cheisio ei fwyta. Ych a fi.

Mae Dewi yn penderfynu eu gwerthu nhw fel llyfrnodau.

Saesneg / English

Saint David opens his bookshop and sees a mysterious box on the pavement outside.

– What is this? he thinks.

He takes the box into the shop, and opens it.

What horror!

It’s a box of ears! It is impossible to tell whether they are human ears, or something else, as they look like leather after having been completely dried.

Dave the cat steals one of the ears and tries to eat it. Ugh.

Saint David decides to sell them as bookmarks.

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