October 17, 2024

Mae’r henoed J. R. Hartley am adael siop lyfrau Dewi Sant. Diolch byth. Dim ond codi helynt y mae e wedi bod.

Ond beth sydd yn mynd i ddigwydd i’r holl gopïau sbâr o “Pysgota Plu”, tybed?

Fel y mae Dewi Sant ar fin dweud wrth yr hen awdur trafferthus yn gadarn na chaiff e adael ei bentyrrau o sbwriel llenyddol yn y siop, mae J. R. Hartley yn sbrintio mas i fachlud yr haul trwy’r drws ffrynt.

– Damia, meddai Dewi Sant.

Ond mae Daf y gath eisoes wedi cael syniad. Mae hi’n mynd i chwarae Djenga.

Saesneg / English


The elderly J. R. Hartley wants to leave. Thank goodness. He has been causing nothing but trouble.

But what is going to happen to all the spare copies of “Fly Fishing”, I wonder?

As Saint David is about to tell the troublesome old writer that he cannot leave his piles of literary rubbish in the shop, J. R. Hartley sprints off into the sunset through the front door.

– Damn, says Saint David.

But Dave the cat has already had an idea. She is going to play Djenga.

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