October 17, 2024

Cyn bo hir, mae’n dod yn amlwg pam mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr yn gwisgo arfwisg. Mae e’n dueddol iawn o gael damweiniau wrth wneud pethau twp.

Mae e newydd gwympo yng ngwely’r rhosod wrth ddringo’r ffens ar ôl prynhawn cwbl o redeg yn afreolus o gwmpas yr ardd.

Dyw’r Gwir Dywysog Cymru ddim yn gwneud argraff dda. Mae Margaret ferch Owain yn siomedig iawn o weld ei thad yn camymddwyn fel hyn.

Mae Daf y gath yn cadw mas o’i ffordd. Does dim angen catnip arni ar hyn o bryd. Mae popeth eisoes yn rhy seicedelig o bell, diolch yn fawr iawn.

Saesneg / English


Before long, it becomes clear why the famous Owain Glyndŵr wears armour. He is very accident-prone when doing stupid things.

He has just fallen in the bed of roses while climbing the fence after a whole afternoon of rampaging around the garden.

The True Prince of Wales is not making a good impression. Margaret ferch Owain is very disappointed to see her father misbehaving like this.

Dave the cat is keeping out of his way. She doesn’t need catnip at the moment. Everything is already far too psychedelic, thank you very much.

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