October 17, 2024

Dydd Gwener y Groglith yw heddiw, ond does neb yn yr ardd yn meddwl am y croeshoeliad tan i Santes Non gwyno’n uchel am eu diffyg o barch. Mae Dewi Sant yn agor paced o fara croglith.

– Faint costion nhw? mae Jeff y gath yn gofyn.

– Ges i nhw am geiniog yr un, ateb Dewi Sant.

– Ma nhw ar gael yn rhatach oddi wrth y siop tat eglwysig, meddai Jeff. – Dau am geiniog y’n nhw.

– Go iawn? meddai Daf y gath mewn syndod.

Yn sydyn, mae Daf yn cael syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi’n mynd i ddatrys yr argyfwng costau byw trwy brynu’r bara croglith i gyd a’i ddosbarthu am ddim i bobl dlawd. Mae hi’n esbonio ei syniad i’r lleill yn gyffrous.

– We ni’n jocan, y dwpsen, meddai Jeff, yn rholio ei llygaid.

Saesneg / English

Hot cross buns

Today is Good Friday, but no one in the garden is thinking about the crucifixion until Saint Non complains loudly about their lack of respect. Saint David opens a packet of hot cross buns.

– How much did they cost? asks Jeff the cat.

– I got them for a penny each, replies Saint David.

– They are available cheaper from the ecclesiastical tat shop, says Jeff. – They are two for a penny.

– Really? says Dave the cat in amazement.

Suddenly, Dave has an idea for a new venture. She is going to solve the cost of living crisis by buying all the hot cross buns and giving them away to poor people. She excitedly explains her idea to the others.

– We were joking, you idiot, says Jeff, rolling her eyes.

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