October 17, 2024

Mae’r chwarter-siarc wedi cael hunllef am ei beli jyglo.

Yn yr hunllef, roedd y chwarter-siarc yn jyglo ar ben mynydd yn yr oriau mân. Ond dygwyd ei beli fesul un.

Pwy ddygodd y peli? Pryf cop anferth.

Mae’r chwarter-siarc yn deffro mewn chwys oer. O na. Mae ei beli jyglo wedi mynd yn y byd go iawn yn ogystal â’r breuddwydfyd.

A dyma’r pryf cop anferth hefyd.

O na. Mae’r byd go iawn a’r breuddwydfyd wedi cael eu cymysgu gyda’i gilydd. Sut mae datrys y broblem? Does dim atebion hawdd y tro hwn.

Saesneg / English

The quarter-shark’s nightmare

The quarter-shark has had a nightmare about his juggling balls.

In the nightmare, the quarter-shark was juggling on top of a mountain in the early hours. But his balls were stolen one by one.

Who stole the balls? An enormous spider.

The quarter-shark wakes up in a cold sweat. Oh no. His juggling balls have gone in the real world as well as the dream world.

And here is the enormous spider too.

Oh no. The real world and the dream world have been mixed together. How do we solve the problem? There are no easy answers this time.

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