October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi meddwi unwaith eto. Mae ei fam e, sef Santes Non, yn teimlo’n siomedig iawn ynddo fe.

Mae hi’n teimlo’n siomedig, ac yn grac.

Ond beth yw’r sŵn hwnnw? Beth mae Santes Non yn ei wneud?

Mae hi wrthi’n sgriblo’n gynddeiriog ar ddarn o bapur.

Mae hi wedi bod yn bygwth y gwneith hi ysgrifennu at y pab am ymddygiad Dewi Sant. Yn awr, mae hi’n esgus taw dyna beth mae hi’n ei wneud, er mwyn codi ofn ar ei mab hi.

Mewn gwirionedd, mae hi’n gwneud rhestr siopa.

– Paid anghofio’r Dreamies, meddai Daf y gath.

– Shhh, meddai Santes Non.

Saesneg / English

Saint Non’s letter

Saint David is drunk once again. His mother, Saint Non, feels very disappointed in him.

She feels disappointed, and angry.

But what is that sound? What is Saint Non doing?

She is busy scribbling furiously on a piece of paper.

She has been threatening that she will write to the pope about St. David’s behaviour. Now, she’s pretending that that is what she is doing, in order to scare her son.

In fact, she is making a shopping list.

– Don’t forget the Dreamies, says Dave the cat.

– Shhh, says Saint Non.

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