October 17, 2024

Mae côr meibion arall wedi ymddangos yn yr ardd. Mae’r holl gôr wedi meddwi, ac mae sawl aelod yn ffraeo gyda’r tatws.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn anhapus iawn.

Mae e’n mynd i ofyn i’r Archfadarch berfformio defod a fydd o help.

– EFALLAI ALLECH CHI FWRW SWYN ARNYN NHW, mae’r Prifdaten yn bloeddio mewn priflythrennau.

Ond dyw’r Archfadarch ddim yn ei glywed e. Mae e’n gwrando ar gerddoriaeth hipi ar ei glustffonau.

Yn y pen draw, Dewi Sant sydd yn achub y dydd. Mae e’n gwneud rhywbeth peryglus iawn.

Mae e’n ffonio’r Esgob.

Saesneg / English

Male voice choir

Another male voice choir has appeared in the garden. The whole choir is drunk, and several members are arguing with the potatoes.

The Prime Potato is very unhappy.

He is going to ask the Arch-mushroom to perform a ritual that will help.

– MAYBE YOU COULD CAST A SPELL ON THEM, the Prime Potato shouts in capital letters.

But the Arch-mushroom doesn’t hear him. He’s listening to hippie music on his headphones.

In the end, Saint David saves the day. He does something very dangerous.

He calls the Bishop.

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