October 17, 2024

Ar ddamwain, mae’r Archfadarchen wedi bwrw swyn sydd wedi troi popeth wyneb i waered.

Mae peiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen wyneb i waered. Mae cwstard yn llifo allan ohono fe dros y llawr.

Mae sied Dewi Sant wyneb i waered. Mae hi fel cwch bychan sgwâr.

Yn olaf, mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel wyneb i waered. Mae e’n gwneud pensafiad penigamp ar ben y bin ailgylchu.

Ond nid yw Daf y gath wyneb i waered oherwydd yr Archfadarchen. Mae hi mewn dimensiwn arall oherwydd y catnip.

Saesneg / English

By accident, the Arch-mushroom has cast a spell that has turned everything upside down.

St. Dwynwen’s custard machine is upside down. Custard is flowing out of it over the floor.

St David’s shed is upside down. It is like a tiny square boat.

Finally, the famous Bryn Terfel is upside down. He’s doing an exemplary headstand on top of the recycling bin.

But Dave the cat is not upside down because of the Arch-mushroom. She is in another dimension because of the catnip.

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