October 17, 2024

Mae Franz Kafka am hedfan i’r Almaen. Mae e wedi clywed bod selsig penigamp yn y wlad honno.

Mae e’n gyrraedd maes awyr Caerdydd am 6 y.b. gyda’i fag. Does dim byd yn ei fag heblaw am Daf y gath, sydd am gael bach o hwyl trwy achosi trafferth ar fwrdd yr awyren.

Pam mae bag Franz Kafka (bron) yn wag?

Achos bod eisiau arno fe lenwi’r bag â selsig.

Mae e eisiau ei frecwast. Ond pan mae e’n cyrraedd y caffi yn y maes awyr, mae problem.

O na.

Does dim brechdanau selsig ar gael. Dim ond cig moch ac wyau.

Mae Franz Kafka’n dechrau llefain a mynd adre.

Saesneg / English


Franz Kafka wants to fly to Germany. He has heard that there are champion sausages in that country.

He arrives at Cardiff airport at 6 a.m. with his bag. There is nothing in his bag except for Dave the cat, who wants to have some fun by causing trouble on board the plane.

Why is Franz Kafka’s bag (almost) empty?

Because he wants to fill the bag with sausages.

He wants his breakfast. But when he arrives at the cafe at the airport, there is a problem.

Oh no.

There are no sausage sandwiches available. Just bacon and eggs.

Franz Kafka begins to cry and goes home.

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