Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi’n mynd i gyhoeddi papur bro.

Ond pwy sy’n mynd i ysgrifennu’r erthyglau?

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn mynd i ysgrifennu cyfres o ddarnau am oes aur cwstard yng Nghymru. Bydd hynny o ddiddordeb i bawb. Siŵr o fod.

Mae Dewi Sant yn mynd i ysgrifennu darn meddwl am fanteision ysmygu crwyn bananas yn lle cyffuriau caled. Colofn iechyd bydd hi.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel am ysgrifennu cerdd am ei hoff dun rhostio. Bydd Daf y gath yn esgus nad yw hi wedi derbyn ei waith pathetig ef.

Mae Franz Kafka am ysgrifennu traethawd am selsig a pha mor bwysig ydyn nhw i’r economi.

Erbyn diwedd yr wythnos, mae’r papur bro wedi cael ei argraffu.

Methiant llwyr yw e.

Saesneg / English

Local paper

Dave the cat has had an idea for a new venture. She is going to publish a local paper.

But who is going to write the articles?

Santes Dwynwen is going to write a series of pieces about the golden age of custard in Wales. That will be of interest to everyone. Probably.

Saint David is going to write a think piece about the benefits of smoking banana skins instead of hard drugs. It will be a health column.

The famous Bryn Terfel wants to write a poem about his favourite roasting tin. Dave the cat will pretend that she has not received his pathetic work.

Franz Kafka wants to write an essay about sausages and how important they are to the economy.

By the end of the week, the local paper has been printed.

It is a complete failure.

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