October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn gwylio Dewi Sant yn tacluso ei sied.

Mae sied Dewi Sant yn llawn dop o sbwriel. Mae Dewi lan at ei glustiau mewn sbwriel. Sant anhrefnus iawn yw Dewi Sant.

Mae’r holl lanast yn codi cywilydd ar fam Dewi, sef Santes Non. Mae hi wedi bod yn gweiddi ar Dewi, a dyna pam ei fod e’n tacluso.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae e’n taflu poteli gwin gwag allan trwy’r drws. Maen nhw’n glanio o gwmpas Daf y gath. Erbyn hyn, mae hi lan at ei chlustiau mewn poteli.

Ond llawer rhy ddiog i symud yw Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is watching Saint David tidy up his shed.

Saint David’s shed is full of rubbish. Saint David is up to his ears in rubbish. Saint David is a very disorganised saint.

The whole mess embarrasses Saint David’s mother, Saint Non. She has been shouting at Dewi, and that is why he is tidying up.

At the moment, he’s throwing empty wine bottles out of the door. They are landing around Dave the cat. By now, she’s up to her ears in bottles.

But Dave the cat is far too lazy to move.

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