October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y Gath wedi derbyn cerdyn post. Mae llun o Aberaeron ar y ffrynt a rhifau dirgel ar y cefn.

Dyw Daf ddim yn nabod yr ysgrifennwr, ac mae’r neges sydd ar y cerdyn yn gofyn cwestiynau personol.

Mae ofn ar Daf bod rhywun yn ysbïo arni hi.

– Y dwpsen, meddai Jeff ei chwaer. – Wyt ti ‘di anghofio bo ti ‘di tanysgrifio i glwb cerdyn post Cymraeg? Dyna pam mae rhifau dirgel arno fe. Rhifau aelodaeth ydyn nhw.

Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae Daf eisoes wedi cael gwared ar y cerdyn trwy ei daflu i beiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has received a postcard. There is a picture of Aberaeron on the front, and mysterious numbers on the back.

Dave does not know the writer, and the message on the card asks personal questions.

Dave is afraid that someone is spying on her.

– You idiot, says Jeff her sister. – Have you forgotten that you subscribed to a Welsh postcard club? That’s why it has mysterious numbers on it. They’re membership numbers.

But it’s too late. Dave has already got rid of the card by throwing it into Saint Dwynwen’s custard machine.

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