October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi taflu ei bysgod a sglodion yn y bin gan nad oes pys potsh.

Am wastraff!

Ond mae’r bin yn ddiolchgar iawn.

– Ga i kebab hefyd? gofyn y bin.

– Ble mae dy dreiglad meddal di? Dylet ti fod wedi gofyn am gebab, meddai Daf y gath.

– Mae kebab yn dechrau gyda K, felly sdim treiglad. Ac eniwê, gair benthyg yw e. Y dwpsen.

Does neb yn hoffi bin gramadegol.

Saesneg / English

The Bin

Saint David has thrown his fish and chips in the bin as there are no mushy peas.

What a waste!

But the bin is very grateful.

– Can I have a kebab too? asks the bin.

– Where is your soft mutation? You should have asked for a gebab, says Dave the cat.

– Kebab starts with K, so there’s no mutation. And anyway, it’s a loan word. You idiot.

Nobody likes a grammatical bin.

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