October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Non wedi diflannu mewn fortecs uffernol, felly mae Dewi Sant a Daf y gath yn medru mwynhau eu pysgod a sglodion mewn hedd.

Ond mae problem.

Mae rhywun wedi anghofio’r pys potsh.

– Allwn ni ddim bwyta pysgod a sglodion heb bys potsh, meddai Dewi Sant yn siomedig.

– Cytuno, meddai Daf y gath. – Mae pys potsh yn hanfodol.

– Man a man i ni roi’r cwbl lot yn y bin.

– Man a man a mwnci.

Mae Dewi Sant yn rhoi’r cwbl lot yn y bin.

Mae’r bin wrth ei fodd.

Saesneg / English

Mushy peas

Santes Non has disappeared in a hellish vortex, so Saint David and Dave the cat can enjoy their fish and chips in peace.

But there is a problem.

Someone has forgotten the mushy peas.

– We can’t eat fish and chips without mushy peas, says Saint David disappointedly.

– Agreed, says Dave the cat. – Mushy peas are essential.

– We might as well put the whole lot in the bin.

– Might as well.

Saint David puts the whole lot in the bin.

The bin is delighted.

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