October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn aros am ei bysgod a sglodion.

Mae’r ciw yn hir iawn. Mae e’n aros ers oriau.

Mae e ae fin rhoi’r gorau i’r syniad o fwyta heno a tharo’r botel yn ei le.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn mynd i achub y dydd.

Mae hi’n rhedeg i’r siop sglods ac achosi lot o drafferth. Mae hi’n crafu pawb sydd yn aros o flaen Dewi Sant.

Dyma Dewi Sant, yn prynu ei sgod a sglods. Am lawenydd.

Saesneg / English


Saint David is waiting for his fish and chips.

The queue is very long. He has been waiting for hours.

He’s about to give up the idea of eating tonight and hit the bottle instead.

But Dave the cat is going to save the day.

She runs into the chip shop and causes a lot of trouble. She scratches everyone who is waiting in front of Saint David.

Here’s Saint David, buying his fish and chips. What joy.

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