October 16, 2024

Mae’n amser gwely.

Ond mae Daf y gath wedi dechrau brathu bron i bopeth.

Mae Daf wedi penderfynu taw amser chwarae yw e.

Dyw e ddim.

Mae’r staff eisiau cysgu, ond mae Daf am chwarae. Mae hi’n brathu eu coesau, eu bysedd traed, a’u dwylo yn ddi-baid.

Yn y pen draw, mae’r staff yn gadael Daf ar y gwely a phenderfynu cysgu ar y soffa.

Saesneg / English


It’s bed time.

But Dave the cat has started biting almost everything.

Dave has decided that it is playtime.

It is not.

The staff want to sleep, but Dave wants to play. She bites their legs, toes and hands incessantly.

In the end, the staff leave Dave on the bed and decide to sleep on the sofa.

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