October 16, 2024

Mae Santes Non i fod i gael cyfweliad gyda rhywun o’r papur newydd lleol. Cyhoeddon nhw lythyr ganddi, yn cwyno am Dewi Sant a’i fudreddi, a gafodd ymateb mawr gan eu darllenwyr.

Mae pawb yn cydymdeimlo â Santes Non.

Pawb, hynny yw, ar wahân i Dewi Sant ei hun.

Mae Daf y gath yn penderfynu ymuno â’r cyfweliad heb wahoddiad.

Mae hi’n difetha’r holl beth.

Saesneg / English

Saint Non is due to have an interview with someone from the local newspaper. They published a letter from her, complaining about St David and his filth, which received a great response from their readers.

Everyone sympathises with Saint Non.

Everyone, that is, apart from St David himself.

Dave the cat decides to gatecrash the interview.

She ruins the whole thing.

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