October 16, 2024

Un tro, eisteddai Daf y gath yn yr ardd, yn gwylio’r holl syrcas.

Daf, yn gwylio’r holl syrcas

Sai’n teimlo fel prif gymeriad yn fy straeon fy hunan rhagor, meddyliodd.

Aeth i gael sgwrs gydag Eifion yr Octopws, ond doedd Eifion ddim ar gael. Roedd e’n rhedeg o gwmpas gyda’r enwog Bryn Terfel.

Trodd Daf at Jeff, ei chwaer.

– Beth am i ni symud tŷ? gofynnodd Daf.

– Ni ‘di neud hynny o’r blân, meddai Jeff. – Lot o waith wedd e. Jyst mwynha’r anrhefn.

Saesneg / English

Main character

Once upon a time, Dave the cat was sitting in the garden, watching the whole circus.

I don’t feel like a main character in my own stories anymore, she thought.

She went to have a chat with Eifion the Octopus, but Eifion wasn’t available. He was running around with the famous Bryn Terfel.

Dave turned to Jeff, her sister.

– How about we move house? Daf asked.

– We’ve done that before, said Jeff. – It was a lot of work. Just enjoy the chaos.

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