October 16, 2024

Bwystfil yw Mr. Hiliol, perchennog y ffatri siocled.

Mae Jeff y gath eisoes wedi rhyddhau’r rhan fwyaf o staff y ffatri a oedd yn gaethweision. Defnyddiodd tyrnsgriw a help hudolus yr Archfadarch.

Mae Mr. Hiliol ar fin rhoi Dewi Sant yn ei beiriant torri seintiau gan fod Dewi Sant wedi pasio mas eto, ond yn yr ennyd hwnnw, mae Margaret ferch Owain yn defnyddio ei thentaclau i wthio Mr. Hiliol ei hun i berfeddion y peiriant.

Cyn bo hir mae’r llawr yn waed i gyd.

– ‘Di hyn yn golgygu bod y ffatri’n perthyn i ni gyd ‘te? gofyn Daf. – Sai isie hi.


Mae Jeff y gath yn rhoi ei llyfr i lawr.

– Hyd yn oed ar ôl iddyn nhw ail-ysgrifennu’r hen glasur ‘ma, meddai, – Mae’n rwtsh llwyr.

Saesneg / English

Dave and the Chocolate Factory, part 4

Mr. Racist, the owner of the chocolate factory, is a monster.

Jeff the cat has already freed most of the factory staff who were slaves. Sheused a screwdriver and the Arch-mushroom’s magical help.

Mr. Racist is about to put Dewi Sant in his saint cutting machine as Dewi Sant has passed out, but in that moment, Owain’s daughter Margaret uses her tentacles to push Mr. Raced himself into the bowels of the machine.

Soon the floor is covered in blood.

– Does this mean that the factory belongs to us all? asks Dave. – Don’t want it.


Jeff the cat puts her book down. – Even after them re-writing this old classic, she says, – It’s complete rubbish.

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