October 16, 2024

Mae Daf a phawb arall yn cyrraedd eu ffatri siocled leol, wedi taith anghyffyrddus ar gefn ei thractor a’i drelar.

Mae’r ffatri siocled yn cael ei rhedeg gan yr awdur enwog Mr. Hiliol, sydd yn cam-drin ei staff yn ofnadwy.

– Helo, meddai Mr. Hiliol. – Hoffwn i arddangos fy ffatri siocled i chi.

– Pam mae’r staff yn gwisgo cadwynau? gofyn y chwarter-siarc.

– Caethweision ydyn nhw, meddai Mr. Hiliol.

– Mae hynny’n anghyfreithlon ac yn anfoesol, meddai’r chwarter-siarc.

– YR YDWYF YN CAEL FY NGHANSLO ETO! ebycha Mr. Hiliol, a thaflu’r chwarter-siarc i mewn i beiriant torri siarcod.

Mae pawb yn sefyll yn gegagored mewn sioc.

– Reit, ‘te. Gadewch i ni ddechrau’r daith, meddai Mr. Hiliol. – Bant a ni!

Saesneg / English

Dave and the Chocolate Factory, part 2

Dave and everyone else arrive at their local chocolate factory, after an uncomfortable journey on the back of her tractor and its trailer.

The chocolate factory is run by the famous author Mr. Racist, who mistreats his staff terribly.

– Hello, says Mr. Racist. – I would like to show you my chocolate factory.

– Why are the staff wearing chains? asks the quarter-shark.

– They’re slaves, says Mr. Racist.

– That’s illegal and immoral, said the quarter-shark.

– I’M BEING CANCELLED AGAIN! exclaims Mr. Racist, who throws the quarter-shark into a shark cutting machine.

Everyone stands open-mouthed in shock.

– Right, then. Let’s start the tour, says Mr. Racist. – Off we go!

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