October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn dod o hyd i rywbeth disglair ar y llawr. Tocyn yw e.

– Llongyfarchiadau, meddai’r tocyn.

O’n i heb sylweddoli y gall tocynnau siarad, meddylia Daf.

– ‘Dych chi wedi ennill gwobr ryfeddol!

– Dreamies, ife? gofyn Daf.

– Nage, meddai’r tocyn. Ymweliad â’ch Ffatri Siocled leol. Bydd llawer o siocled.

– Sai’n rîli hoffi siocled, meddai Daf.

Ond mae Margaret ferch Owain yn gwrando ar y sgwrs rhwng Daf a’r tocyn. Mae hi’n hoff iawn o siocled.

– Dere ‘mlan, Daf. Gawn ni fynd ar gefn dy dractor newydd, meddai Margaret.

O diar.

Mae Bryn Terfel a Dewi Sant wedi digwydd clywed y sgwrs, ac maen nhw am ymuno yn yr hwyl. Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn gwisgo bwced newydd ar ei ben fel het ysblennydd, ac mae Dewi Sant wedi meddwi.

Cyn bo hir, mae pawb – yn gynnwys Jeff y gath, y chwarter-siarc, y tatws, Santes Dwynwen, ac Eifion yr octopws (ynghyd â’i dun rhostio) – wedi dringo i’r trelar, ac mae’r daith yn dechrau.

Saesneg / English

Dave and the Chocolate Factory, part 1

Dave the cat finds something shiny on the floor. It’s a ticket.

– Congratulations, says the ticket.

I hadn’t realised that tickets could talk, thinks Dave.

– You’ve won an amazing prize!

– Dreamies, is it? asks Dave.

– No, says the ticket. A visit to your local Chocolate Factory. There will be a lot of chocolate.

– I don’t really like chocolate, says Dave.

But Margaret ferch Owain is listening to the conversation between Dave and the ticket. She is very fond of chocolate.

– Come on, Dave. Let’s go on the back of your new tractor, says Margaret.

Oh dear.

Bryn Terfel and Saint David have been eavesdropping on the conversation, and they want to join in the fun. The famous Bryn Terfel is wearing a new bucket on his head as a splendid hat, and Saint David is drunk.

Before long, everyone – including Jeff the cat, the quarter-shark, the potatoes, Saint Dwynwen, and Eifion the octopus (along with his roasting tin) – has climbed into the trailer, and the journey begins.

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