October 16, 2024

Mae Margaret ferch Owain wedi cael damwain wrth yrru fan Daf y gath.

Roedd hi’n aros ar gylchfan, a gyrrodd rhywun i mewn i gefn fan Daf ar gyflymder annisgwyl. Defnyddiodd ei thentaclau i atal unrhyw anafiadau, ond mae hi’n dal i fod mewn sioc.

Chafodd neb arall ei anafu, ond mae’r fan wedi’i ddileu.

Mae Daf yn drist iawn. Mae hi’n gweld eisiau’r hen fan.

Ond mae Margaret ferch Owain eisoes wedi datrys y broblem.

– Dyma dractor i ti, meddai hi.

Saesneg / English


Margaret ferch Owain has had an accident while driving Dave the cat’s van.

She was waiting at a roundabout, and someone drove into the back of Dave’s van at an unexpected speed. She used her tentacles to prevent any injuries, but she is still in shock.

No one else was injured, but the van is a write-off.

Dave is very sad. She misses the old van.

But Margaret ferch Owain has already solved the problem.

– Here’s a tractor for you, she says.

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