October 16, 2024

Mae’r Esgob wedi dychwelyd i’r ardd i nôl ei het bigfain ysblennydd. Ond mae’n rhy hwyr.

Beth sy’ wedi digwydd i’r het?

Mae Margaret ferch Owen wedi dwyn yr het oddi ar ben yr enwog Bryn Terfel wrth iddo fe gysgu. Roedd hi’n hoff iawn o’r defnydd.

Wedi ychydig o fanion gwnïo cyffredinol, mae hi wedi creu sawl llawes hyfryd ar gyfer ei thentaclau.

Mae’r Esgob yn gynddeiriog. Ond ni all yr Esgob codi ofn ar Margaret ferch Owain. Mae hi’n siglo ei thentaclau ato fe yn bryfoclyd.

Saesneg / English


The Bishop has returned to the garden to fetch his splendid pointy hat. But it’s too late.

What has happened to the hat?

Margaret ferch Owain has stolen the hat from the head of the famous Bryn Terfel while he was sleeping. She really liked the material.

After some general haberdashery, she has created several lovely sleeves for her tentacles.

The Bishop is furious. But the Bishop cannot frighten Margaret ferch Owain. She wiggles her tentacles at him provocatively.

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