October 16, 2024

Fel ‘dyn ni’n gwybod, mae’r chwarter-siarc yn hoff iawn o jyglo, ac mae e’n un da iawn amdani hefyd.

Ond dyma Margaret ferch Owain sydd yn newid ei gwisg. Mae hi’n gwisgo crop-top amdani, er mwyn rhyddhau ei thentaclau.


Mae Margaret ferch Owain hefyd yn hoff iawn o jyglo.

Sawl tentacl sydd gyda hi? Mae’n anodd dweud, gan eu bod nhw’n gwingo mor gyflym. Mae hi’n dwyn peli jyglo’r chwarter-siarc a jyglo mewn patrymau cymhleth.

Mae’r chwarter-siarc yn drist iawn. Ni all e gystadlu yn erbyn rhywun gyda chymaint o dentaclau.

Saesneg / English


As we know, the quarter-shark really likes juggling, and he’s very good at it too.

But here’s Margaret ferch Owain changing her outfit. She puts on a crop-top, to release her tentacles.


Margaret ferch Owain is also very fond of juggling.

How many tentacles does she have? It’s hard to tell, as they wiggle so fast. She steals the quarter-shark juggling balls and juggles in complex patterns.

The quarter-shark is very sad. He can’t compete against someone with so many tentacles.

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