October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn treulio amser yng nghwmni Dewi Sant. Mae Daf yn hoff iawn o Dewi Sant gan ei fod yn was bach pan mae e wedi meddwi.

Heddiw, mae Daf y gath yn gofyn yr un cwestiwn drosodd a throsodd.

– Ga i fisged?


Mae hi wedi gofyn y cwestiwn cannoedd o weithiau. Mae hi’n llawn dop o fisgedi. Ond mae hi’n parhau.

– Ga i fisged?

– Na chei.

– Pam lai?

– Sdim bisgedi ar ôl.

Mae Daf y gath yn oedi cyn trio eto.

– Ga I fisged?

Mae hyn yn parhau am oriau.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is spending time in the company of Saint David. Dave is very fond of Saint David as he is a pushover when he is drunk.

Today, Dave the cat is asking the same question over and over.

– Can I have a biscuit?

– Yes.

She has asked the same question hundreds of times. She is full of biscuits. But she continues.

– Can I have a biscuit?

– No.

– Why not?

– There’s no biscuits left.

Dave the cat hesitates before trying again.

– Can I have a biscuit?

This goes on for hours.

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