October 16, 2024

Dyw’r Esgob ddim yn hapus bod Bryn Terfel wedi bod yn gwisgo ei het bigfain ysblennydd.

Mae e eisiau cynnal Chwiliadlys Plwyf. Mae e wedi gosod rac newydd yn yr ardd. Mae e wedi addurno’r rac â pheli gwydr a thinsel.

Mae’r Esgob a’i chwilyswyr yn holi pawb am yr enwog Bryn Terfel a’i obsesiynau â hetiau a bananas. Mae e am gosbi Bryn Terfel. Mae e’n bwriadu rhoi Bryn Terfel ar y rac ac yna ei ysgymuno.

Ond mae Bryn Terfel yn rhedeg o gwmpas. Mae e’n gyflym iawn. Does neb yn gallu ei ddal er mwyn ei gosbi.

Mae Daf y gath yn cael cyntun ar y rac.

Saesneg / English


The Bishop is not happy that Bryn Terfel has been wearing his splendid pointed hat.

He wants to hold a Parish Inquisition. He has installed a new rack in the garden. He has decorated the rack with baubles and tinsel.

The Bishop and his inquisitors ask everyone about the famous Bryn Terfel and his obsessions with hats and bananas. He wants to punish Bryn Terfel. He intends to put Bryn Terfel on the rack and then excommunicate him.

But Bryn Terfel is running around. He is very fast. No one can catch him in order to punish him.

Dave the cat has a snooze on the rack.

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