October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath mewn hwyliau da. Mae hi wedi cael syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi’n mynd i agor siop ar y rhyngrwyd er mwyn gwerthu pob math o bethau â lluniau ohoni hi ei hun arnyn nhw.

Dyw Jeff ddim yn credu’r peth.

– Ti mor falch, meddai Jeff.

– Ond bydd llunie o’not ti ‘fyd, meddai Daf.

– Ga i beth o’r elw?

– Cei.

Mae Daf yn dechrau’r proses. Ond mae’r proses yn anodd iddi ddeall. Yn y pen draw, mae hi’n crafu’r cyfrifiadur a rhoi’r gorau i’r holl syniad.

Mae Daf y gath mewn hwyliau drwg.

Saesneg / English

Good mood

Dave the cat is in a good mood. She has had an idea for a new venture. She is going to open a shop on the internet to sell all kinds of things with pictures of herself on them.

Jeff doesn’t believe it.

– You’re so vain, said Jeff.

– But there’ll be pictures of you too, says Dave.

– Can I have some of the profits?

– Yes.

Dave starts the process. But the process is difficult for her to understand. In the end, she scratches the computer and gives up on the whole idea.

Dave the cat is in a bad mood.

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