October 16, 2024

Mae’r Prifdaten cyfredol wedi adfer trefn trwy ail-gladdu’r Cyn-Brifdaten.

Wel, rhyw fath o drefn.

Wedi cael ei llenwi ag olew olewydd, cafodd y Cyn-Brifdaten ei phobi gan y tatws eraill. Cynhaliodd y tatws angladd ar frys, ond ddaeth neb i’w ffarwelio.

Ond mae’r tatws yn dweud celwyddau ac achosi anrhefn o hyd. Dyna datws i chi.

Mae Daf y gath yn cysgu’n sownd ar ben peiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen. Mae hi’n breuddwydio am y diwrnod arbennig hwnnw y ni fydd rhagor o datws.

Saesneg / English


The current Prime Potato has restored order by reburying the ex-Prime Potato.

Well, some sort of order.

After being filled with olive oil, the ex-Prime Potato was baked by the other potatoes. The potatoes hastily held a funeral, but no one came to say goodbye to her.

But the potatoes keep telling lies and causing chaos. That’s potatoes for you.

Dave the cat is sleeping soundly on top of Santes Dwynwen’s custard machine. She is dreaming of that special day when there will be no more potatoes.

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