October 16, 2024

Mae traed Dewi Sant yn erchyll.

Mae ferwcau a tharwden y traed drostyn nhw i gyd. Yn y bôn, mae traed Dewi Sant yn pydru, fel pob rhan arall o’i gorff.

Dyw Santes Dwynwen ddim y gallu goddef edrych arnyn nhw. Mae rhaid iddi adael yr ardd pryd bynnag mae Dewi yn tynnu ei esgidiau.

Mae Daf y gath yn ffonio’r ciropodydd gan fod yr arogl mor wael.

Y diwrnod canlynol, mae’r ciropodydd yn cyrraedd, gyda chwpl o draed newydd yn ei fag. Ymhen hanner awr, gyda help ei lif a thamaid bach o Sellotape, mae e wedi datrys y broblem.

– Tybed o ble galla i archebu iau newydd iddo fe nesa? meddylia Daf.

Saesneg / English


Saint David’s feet are horrible.

They are all covered with verrucas and athlete’s foot. Basically, Saint David’s feet are rotting, like every other part of his body.

Saint Dwynwen can’t bear to look at them. She has to leave the garden whenever Saint David takes off his shoes.

Dave the cat calls the chiropodist because the smell is so bad.

The following day, the chiropodist arrives, with a couple of new feet in his bag. After half an hour, with the help of his saw and a bit of Sellotape, he has solved the problem.

– I wonder where I can order a new liver for him next? thinks Dave.

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