October 16, 2024

Mae’r Cyn-Brifdaten wedi dychwelyd i’r ardd a dechrau cwyno am y Prifdaten cyfredol.

Mae hi’n ebychu bod popeth o’i le. Yn anffodus mae hi’n iawn, ond am y rhesymau anghywir, gan fod y tatws yn dal i fod yn gwbl afreolus, ac mae’r Prifdaten cyfredol yn dal i arllwys olew olewydd dros y lle i gyd.

– Bydd trafferth, meddai Daf y gath i’w chwaer Jeff. – Jyst gwylia.

Mae’r Cyn-Brifdaten wedi agor ei cheg i ddweud rhywbeth erchyll am economi’r ardd, ond er mawr syndod iddi, mae’r Prifdaten cyfredol yn ei llenwi ag olew olewydd er mwyn ei thawelu.

– T’weld? Trafferth, meddai Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English

The former Prime Potato has returned to the garden and started complaining about the current Prime Potato.

She exclaims that everything is wrong. Unfortunately she is right, but for the wrong reasons, as the potatoes are still completely unruly, and the current Prime Potato is still pouring olive oil all over the place.

– There will be trouble, says Dave the cat to his sister Jeff. – Just watch.

The former Prime Potato has opened her mouth to say something horrible about the economy of the garden, but to her surprise, the current Prime Potato fills it with olive oil to shut her up.

– Y’see? Trouble, says Dave the cat.

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