October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn y dafarn eto. Mae e wedi yfed llawer o beintiau a bwyta llawer o greision. Mae Daf y gath wrth ei ymyl, yn cael profiad seicedelig ar y catnip.

Mae’n amser mynd adref.

Ond mae Daf mewn dimensiwn arall, lle nad yw eu cartref nhw yn bodoli.

Mae gan Dewi Sant ysfa i chwydu. O diar.

Mae Daf y gath yn hollol anymwybodol. Mae popeth ym mlodau i gyd.

Saesneg / English


Saint David is in the pub again. He has drunk many pints and eaten many crisps. Dave the cat is beside him, having a psychedelic experience on the catnip.

It’s time to go home.

But Dave is in another dimension, where their home does not exist.

Saint David has an urge to be sick. Oh dear.

Dave the cat is completely unaware. Everything is all flowers.

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