October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad arall am ennill bach o arian.

Ar hyn o bryd, y cwbl mae Bryn Terfel yn gwneud yw llefain a thaflu bananas, gan fod Eifion yr octopws wedi dwyn ei dun rhostio e.

Ond mae Daf y gath am gynnal dosbarthiadau canu.

– Bydd pawb yn talu am wersi gyda’r Bryn Terfel enwog, meddai Daf i’w chwaer Jeff.

– Nid yn y math hwnnw o gyflwr, ateb Jeff, wrth i Bryn Terfel barhau i alaru dros ei dun rhostio a churo ei ben yn erbyn y ffens.

Saesneg / English

Learning to sing” venture

Dave the cat has had another idea for earning a little money.

At the moment, all Bryn Terfel is doing is crying and throwing bananas, as Eifion the octopus has stolen his roasting tin.

But Dave the cat wants to hold singing classes.

– Everyone will pay for lessons with the famous Bryn Terfel, says Daf to her sister Jeff.

– Not in that sort of state, answers Jeff, as Bryn Terfel continues to mourn his roasting tin and bang his head against the fence.

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