Mae Dewi Sant wedi cwympo i gysgu y tu allan i’w sied, yn cydio mewn potel ddŵr. Mae e wedi bod yn dilyn cyngor Daf y gath ac osgoi’r catnip.
Ond mae e’n breuddwydio eto.
Erbyn hyn, mae torf fach wedi ymgasglu o’i gwmpas i wrando arno, achos ei bod yn siarad yn ei gwsg.
– O, Mr. Potel Ddŵr, dw i’n dy garu di, meddai’r hen Sant yn ddifrifol iawn, heb agor ei lygaid. – Ond bydd rhaid i fi aros gyda Mrs. Sudd Oren.
Mae’r gynulleidfa’n cymeradwyo’n hael.
Saesneg / English
Water bottle
Saint David has fallen asleep outside his shed, clutching a water bottle. He has been following Dave the cat’s advice and avoiding the catnip.
But he is dreaming again.
By now, a small crowd has gathered around him to listen to him, because he is talking in his sleep.
– Oh, Mr. Water Bottle, I love you, says the old saint very seriously, without opening his eyes. – But I will have to stay with Mrs. Orange juice.
The audience applauds generously.