October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn eistedd ar y ddaear y tu allan i’w sied ac mae golwg welw arno ef.

– Be’ sy’ ‘di digwydd? gofyn Daf y gath.

– Yr oeddwn yn breuddwydio, meddai Dewi Sant yn ffurfiol. – Mewn amgueddfa. Yr oeddwn i’n edrych ar amrywiaeth o bethau o’r Hen Aifft.

– Ac…

– Wel, roedd potel las fach yn siâp ci, wedi’i lapio mewn defnydd llychlyd o gwmpas ei gwddf. Am ryw reswm, rhoais yr holl beth yn fy ngheg. Bu blas uffernol o hen lyfrgell arni hi. Chwydais. Yr oedd y cynnyrch yn hollol ddu.

– Wel, diolch am hwnna, meddai Daf y gath. – Am disgysting. Falle cadw draw o’r catnip yn y dyfodol. Mae’n amlwg fod e’n rhy gryf i ti.

Saesneg / English


Dewi Sant is sitting on the ground outside his shed and is looking pale.

– What’s happened? asks Dave the cat.

– I was dreaming, says Saint David formally. – In a museum. I was looking at a variety of things from Ancient Egypt.

– And…

– Well, there was a small blue bottle in the shape of a dog, wrapped in dusty material around its neck. For some reason, I put the whole thing in my mouth. It had a hellish flavour of an old library. I vomited. The product was completely black.

– Well, thanks for that, says Dave the cat. – How disgusting. Maybe stay away from catnip in the future. It’s obviously too strong for you.

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