October 16, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi bod yn hela. Mae hi’n un da iawn am hela.

Fel arfer mae hi’n dal adar bach, neu lygod. Mae hi’n hoffi eu taflu nhw i’r awyr.

Ond heddiw mae hi wedi dal rhywbeth gwahanol.

Does neb yn gwybod sut, ond mae hi wedi dal sgwid anferth. Cymaint â bws yw’r sgwid. Mae’n cymryd llawer o ymdrech, ond mae Jeff yn llusgo’r sgwid anferth i’r ardd.

Mae e’n cymryd bron yr holl le yn yr ardd.

– Beth y’n ni fod i neud gyda hwnna? meddai Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English

Colossal squid

Jeff the cat has been hunting. She is very good at hunting.

She usually catches small birds, or mice. She likes to throw them in the air.

But today she has caught something different.

Nobody knows how, but she has caught a colossal squid. The squid is as big as a bus. It takes a lot of effort, but Jeff drags the colossal squid into the garden.

It takes up almost all the space in the garden.

– What are we supposed to do with that? says Dave the cat.

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