October 16, 2024

Mae’r chwarter-siarc wedi diflannu. Does neb yn gwybod lle mae e. Does neb yn yr ardd yn jyglo.

Mae’r Prifdaten wedi diflannu hefyd. Does neb yn gwybod lle mae e chwaith. Does neb yn yr ardd yn gweiddi ar hap.

Yn fwy difrifol byth, mae peiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen wedi diflannu. Mae pawb yn ddiolchgar iawn am hyn. Maen nhw wedi cael llond bol o gwstard sy’n cynnwys darnau bychan o addurniadau Nadolig.

– Mae’n debyg bod yr affwys wedi dod nôl, meddai Daf y gath yn feddylgar.

– Pam wedet ti hynny? gofyn Jeff ei chwaer.

Ar y gair, mae sied Dewi Sant yn cael ei sugno i’r ddaear.

– Dyna fe, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English

The abyss under the shed

The quarter-shark has disappeared. Nobody knows where he is. No one in the garden is juggling.

The Prime Potato has also disappeared. No one knows where he is either. No one in the garden is shouting randomly.

Even more seriously, St Dwynwen’s custard machine has disappeared. Everyone is very grateful for this. They have had quite enough of custard which contains small pieces of Christmas decorations.

– Apparently the abyss has come back, says Dave the cat thoughtfully.

– Why would you say that? asks her sister Jeff.

As if on cue, Saint David’s shed is sucked into the ground.

– There it is, says Dave.

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