October 16, 2024

Gan fod popeth mor ddrud, mae Daf y gath am ennill tamaid bach o arian ychwanegol.

– Jeff! meddai wrth ei chwaer, – dwi ‘di câl syniad newydd.

O Argol, meddylia Jeff. Beth sydd yn dod nesa?

– Dwi’n mynd i sefydlu asiantaeth Siôn Corn.

– Asiantaeth beth?

– Wel, gan fod Siôn Corn yn y carchar, fydd ‘na ddim anrhegion o gwbl oni bai i ni neud rhywbeth. Felly dwi’n mynd i rentu mas y Prifdaten fel Siôn Corn ffug. Neith byddin y tatws yn tynnu’r sled.

– Neith byddin y tatws achosi rhyfeloedd ym mhob archfarchnad ledled y wlad.

– Falle, ond bydd yn dipyn o hwyl. Ac ennillen ni bach o arian.

– Tatws amdani, ‘te, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Father Christmas Venture

Since everything is so expensive, Dave the cat wants to earn a little bit of extra money.

– Jeff! she says to his sister, – I’ve had a new idea.

Oh Lord, thought Jeff. What’s coming next?

– I’m going to set up a Santa Claus agency.

– A What agency?

– Well, since Santa Claus is in prison, there won’t be any presents at all unless we do something. So I’m going to rent out the Prime Potato as a fake Santa Claus. The potato army will pull the sled.

– The potato army will cause wars in all supermarkets throughout the country.

– Maybe, but it will be a lot of fun. And we would earn a little money.

– Potatoes it is, then, says Jeff.

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