October 16, 2024

Gan nad yw’r Esgob yn fodlon gadael i Dewi Sant redeg unrhyw wasanaeth carolau, mae Dewi wedi dod o hyd i swydd rhan-amser newydd, sef gweithio fel Siôn Corn ffug mewn canolfan siopa.

Mae Dewi yn ceisio cadw ei hun yn sobr.

Mae’r cathod wedi dod i chwerthin ar ei ben.

Ond mae’r heddlu wedi cyrraedd hefyd. Mae rhywun wedi sylwi “eira” yn cwympo oddi fewn barf Siôn Corn.

Y math anghywir o eira yw e.

Mae Dewi yn cael ei arestio. Taflir ef yn y carchar.

– Wel, dyna ddiwedd y mater, meddai Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English


As the Bishop is unwilling to let Saint David run a carol service, Dewi has found a new part-time job, which is to work as a fake Santa Claus in a shopping centre.

Saint David is trying to keep himself sober.

The cats have come to laugh at him.

But the police have also arrived. Someone has noticed “snow” falling from within Santa’s beard.

It’s the wrong kind of snow.

Saint David is arrested. He is thrown in prison.

– Well, that’s the end of that, says Dave the cat.

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