October 16, 2024

Mae’r gaeaf wedi cyrraedd. Mae hi o dan y rhewbwynt.

Mae cwstard Santes Dwynwen wedi rhewi mewn blociau melyn mawr. Mae Daf y gath wedi rhewi mewn bloc oren bach.

Mae Jeff y gath yn cymryd mantais o’r ffaith nad yw Daf yn gallu symud. Mae hi wedi cael bwyd dwbl, ac wedi dwyn y Dreamies i gyd.

Mae Dewi Sant wedi pasio mas ar y lawnt, ond nid yw e wedi rhewi. Mae ei wythennau’n llawn o antifreeze.

Saesneg / English


Winter has arrived. It’s below freezing.

St. Dwynwen’s custard is frozen in large yellow blocks. Dave the cat is frozen in a small orange block.

Jeff the cat takes advantage of the fact that Dave can’t move. She has had double food, and has stolen all the Dreamies.

Saint David has passed out on the lawn, but he is not frozen. His veins are full of antifreeze.

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