October 16, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi gadael Dewi Sant gan ei fod wedi meddwi trwy’r amser. Mae hi wedi cael llond bol ohono fe.

Felly mae hi’n troi at ap dêtio.

Ond dyw hi ddim yn hyderus yn defnyddio ffôn symudol. Mae hi’n mynd i banic a llithro i’r chwith ac i’r dde ar hap.

Cyn bo hir mae hi wedi derbyn cannoedd o negeseuon.

– Bydd rhaid i ti drefnu cynhadledd yn lle dêt, meddai Daf y gath.

Saesneg / English


Santes Dwynwen has left Dewi Sant because he is drunk all the time. She is completely fed up with him.

So she turns to a dating app.

But she is not confident using a mobile phone. She panics and swipes left and right at random.

Before long she has received hundreds of messages.

– You will have to organise a conference instead of a date, says Dave the cat.

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